Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock…

It is late at night. You really need to go to bed. But you have to finish your marketing emails. You have text and html versions of the email written. Now it is just have to send them. Tick, tock,tick, tock … Open the mailer, go to send, paste the your email into the mailer, oops needed the html email, copy the html email, paste it in the mailer, get the link, paste it, assign credits, send email, exit – next mailer only 20 to go. Sound familiar.

Referral Frenzy

For the mailers you are a member, Referral Frenzy

  • Keeps your login information for dozens of emailers
  • Create and save text and html versions of your email
  • Assigns max credits possible to each mailer
  • Allows you to select email to send
  • Send emails to all text mailers you are a member with a single click
  • Send emails to all html mailers you are a member with a single click
  • Can schedule emails for multiple future dates (great for vacation)
  • Keeps stats for all emails

I can email the 50+ mailers in well under 5 minutes once the emails are done. This is at least a a 60 minute savings for me. Referral Frenzy has many more features as well. I just listed what I use the most. Oh, I almost forgot, every month you automatically receive bonus credits, up to as many as 5000. Referral Frenzy is an absolute must for affiliate marketing in my option and I would highly recommend it.

The bad news is Referral Frenzy is not free. The subscription is $15/month or $97/year. I was fortunate to get a lifetime subscription years ago. I don’t remember what I paid for my subscription but it has been worth every penny. Also, Referral Frenzy has a limited number of mailers (approximately 70 of the top mailers).

An alternative to Referral Frenzy is Viral Mail Profits. VMP takes time to set up because you have to enter each mailer and its information. Of course this is only a one time set up and it allows you to enter any emailer you want. Like RF, you can save a text and html version of the email and send the appropriate one. The biggest difference is that you send 1 email at a time in Viral Mail Profits. You still save time because VMP does most of the switch between programs for you and can automatically walk through a selected list of mailers. I actually use VMP as a supplement to Referral Frenzy for the mailers that aren’t in RF.

You can use Viral Mail Profit as a free member with limitations but the full capability requires an upgrade. Right now, 3/15/20, there is a lifetime upgrade available for $77. A great value . Marty Petrizza recently purchase VMP so I am sure there are great changes coming. VMP is another time saver that I a very glad I have.

Until Next Time,
Bob Caine

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